The leading simulation game in Change Management
Implement a sustainable change
A challenging and motivating learning environment gives the participants direct experience with the factors that must be managed if the transformation is to be successful. These include not only the logical process steps but also those dealing with the psychological and emotional impacts of change on the affected employees.
The participants learn how different psychological types react to changes and which measures can be used to achieve them. SysTeamsChange shows the role of the social networks in stakeholder communication and potential intervention measures for the different phases of change.
Theoretical validation
The economic and organizational psychologist Prof. Dr. Willy Kriz has played a leading role in the development of SysTeamsChange which has been evaluated and validated by more than 50 current management theories and approaches.
SysTeamsChange is based on the phases of change as first described by Kurt Lewin, beginning with shock, followed by rational and then emotional insight, and culminating in the sustainable integration of the change. He stressed the importance of understanding the psychological and emotional impact of organizational development processes and focusing on the thoughts, feelings and reactive behavior of the people involved.
Change simulation
how it goes?
The players have 4 rounds to reengineer a middle-sized company. In each round they can choose from 43 different activities and can use 40 units of resources. A computer program then runs the simulation taking into account the resistance and motivation of the current stakeholders and our previous choices as well.
Every stakeholder in the company – owners, management, employees, key customers and suppliers –has individual characteristics. They have different motivations and reasons to resist or support the particular change. This makes them respond differently to the actions the players take.
In order to make the change project successful the company should be guided through the change curve from the initial “shock phase” to the final “integration phase”.
After the simulation, we examine specific corporate change projects.
Where are they in the change project?
In what emotional phase are the key players?
What's next?